Find out information about Wilson’s Grammar School here and learn about what courses your child should be doing if they hope to pass the entry examination into Wilson’s Grammar School.

About Wilson’s Grammar School

Parents regularly say that they choose Wilson’s not just because of their excellent academic record but also because the boys seem to enjoy their time there. They believe that school life should be enjoyed for itself and not just as a preparation for adulthood. Their co-curricular programme is excellent; sport and music, in particular, are very strong. Lessons engage pupils’ attention with pace and challenge, enriched with all sorts of activity to extend pupils’ interests and skills far beyond the confines of the National Curriculum and examination specifications. Teachers know the boys very well and visitors often comment on the laughter, good humour and warmth that mark relationships between boys and staff.

Area London- Sutton
Pupils 1,197 pupils
Places in Year 7 186 places
Competition 10+ applicants for every place
Exam Format Stage 1- Maths and English (SET)

Stage 2- Maths and English (School Written)

School Website

Wilson’s Grammar School Courses and Mock Exams

With high entry standards to Wilson’s Grammar School, your child will need plenty of preparation in order to get in. Parents can choose to use tutors/tuition centres or books/structured courses. The benefits of a structured course are that it is tailored to the area you are applying for and parents can focus on helping their child rather than worrying about which books to buy when and what order to do the work in.

Our courses are used by parents and by private tutors who choose to use them instead of books to help their children.

We also supply a series of mock exams to complete at home. These are invaluable either instead of expensive hall based mocks or done before a hall based mock to ensure you get best value from it.

Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exams

Learning Street Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 1

Learning Street Sutton  11 Plus Mock Exam 2

Learning Street Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 3

Learning Street Sutton  11 Plus Mock Exam 4

Learning Street Sutton   11 Plus Mock Exam Bundle (packs 1-4)

If your child makes it past stage 1 of the assessment process they will be invited back to stage 2. We have provided mock exams of the tests below.

Learning Street Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 1

Learning Street Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 2

Learning Street Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 3

Learning Street Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam 4

Learning Street Stage 2 Sutton 11 Plus Mock Exam Bundle (Packs 1-4)

Of course, you will need to ensure that the correct skills have been learnt before tackling an 11 Plus Mock Exam and we have a range of courses to help you achieve that listed below.

Which 11 Plus course to choose?

If your child is in Year 3 or Year 4 then please use our primary schools course chooser (link below) as a guide to starting on the right course. These courses focus on core literacy and numeracy skills. They help your child reach their potential before moving onto 11 Plus preparation at the right time.

Primary School- Course Chooser for younger children

If your child is really bright and in the latter half of Year 4 or in Year 5 then please choose from the courses below which have been tailored for the 11 Plus and this school/area.

Complete Courses – Complete preparation for the 11 Plus Exam

The course below is our bespoke course for Sutton and includes everything needed. This course is 40 parts in length with its own dedicated page including full details and free course preview.

The  Complete 11 Plus Programme – Sutton (SET)

Enhance Courses- For those with a little less time

If you have less time available we have cut our main course down to half the length (roughly 65% of the materials in the complete course are included in our Enhance course). Full details and free preview are available by following the link:

11 Plus Enhance – Sutton (SET)

Boost Courses- For those preparing without much time to go until the exam

If you are preparing later then we have produced these short courses which are half the length of Enhance courses but contain about 40% of our longest course. Link to the full Boost course below where you will find full details and an in-depth free preview:

11 Plus Boost – Sutton (SET)

Preparation for Independent School 11 Plus Exams

Often we will find parents are asking their children to sit an 11 Plus exam for a grammar school in September and then are going on to sit an Independent School 11 Plus exam the following January.

Where this is case we have prepared two courses to help with the additional preparation that will be required:

11 Plus Creative Writing Course

11 Plus Maths Stretch and Revision

11 Plus Comprehension Course

Get Started

Learning Street structured courses make home study easier and more successful. There's no need to wonder which books to buy or what to do next. Everything is planned for you.

  • Proven to deliver excellent results
  • Used by families, private tutors and schools
  • Fully planned and structured
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