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Customer Comments

"We had started to try some preparation but were having real trouble organising which books to buy and when to use them. Finding this course really helped us as it took away all the problems associated with organising what work to do at what time and which books to buy. The materials in the course are excellent and are much more approachable than the dry approach of most books. Preparing for the 11 Plus requires quite a bit of commitment from parents and children but we were really pleased that this course made it easier to get through."

Roger P

"Thanks for providing this resource, it covered everything we needed to help our son. English is not our first language so we were particularly grateful for the time spent on all the literacy elements, we certainly would have struggled to provide the right level of support without it."


15-30 Weeks

10-12 Years

This is our all-in-one course, it prepares children thoroughly for the entire CEM 11 Plus exam. It is very intensive and represents excellent value. See the preview for a good idea of what’s included.

This is a 20 part course. Each part of the course contains about 45 pages of learning materials including timed tests and papers.

What does it include ?

• This course is fully planned. In each part children will work on their vocabulary development as well as improving their CEM related Numerical, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning skills.
• While the course includes over 35 timed papers and tests, it is the focus we place on core skills such as vocabulary development and working accurately which makes the real difference.
• Most books are just a series of tests our course provides the right materials to enable children to develop their skills and actually learn.
• There are 20 parts to the course with each part providing about 45 pages of learning and testing work. Each part includes full answers with detailed explanations where they are needed ( for instance all our non-verbal questions have detailed answers). See the preview for a good idea of what’s included.

When should pupils use this course ?

• It has been designed to help pupils get into very competitive selective Grammar Schools which use the CEM test.
• Typically families will do this course when they have between 20 and 40 weeks to go to the exam. A child sitting an exam in September and starting this course in January ( 8 months prior to the exam) can be confident of covering the ground well.
• While some children will start using this course in the January of the year they sit the test and have a full but more relaxed preparation, others may start much later in May. They will work more intensively but still cover the ground.
• Because the course is very full and intensive we don’t recommend allowing yourself less than 15 weeks to cover it as you won’t get the full benefit from it.

How will it be delivered ?

• Once purchased you will be able to download the first part of the course from the site.
• You will receive an email a week later letting you know the second part of the course is available to download.
• The next part of the course can be released more quickly to enable pupils to cover the ground more quickly.
• All our courses are delivered on pdf and designed to be printed out and completed on paper. They are not designed to be used on an electronic device of any sort because children learn best using a pen and paper.
• Each part of the course includes its own bespoke answers section.


You can preview the course or purchase it below


Trusted by families across the UK

"My daughter's preparation for her 11 Plus exam couldn't have gone better. The advice we received about being committed ourselves was exactly right. We set a time to do the work and broadly managed to achieve it. The course was very intensive so we did need to work hard, but it was worth it in the end. Without this course I'm not sure I would have known where to start or what to do when"

- Mrs Hamilton


"We used a Private Tutor to prepare for the 11 Plus, and they recommended that we use the full 40 part vocabulary course as part of the process rather than vocabulary books. We really can't see how it's possible to boost a child's vocabulary without this sort of work, it had everything- real learning activities, tests, revision, pieces of texts from classic books and even vocabulary puzzles which stretched our son no end."

- Mr Gull

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Learning Street structured courses make home study easier and more successful. There's no need to wonder which books to buy or what to do next. Everything is planned for you.

  • Proven to deliver excellent results
  • Used by families, private tutors and schools
  • Fully planned and structured
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