Our courses are proven to help children secure the Independent School place they are trying for. We’ve also had great success helping children secure that all important scholarship or bursary.

Currently we have only added six of our courses that are relevant for Independent School entry to the website

  • Vocabulary Courses- These help children develop a wide vocabulary and sharpen up spelling skills. Many children don’t start work until the September of year six, in which case they should use the 10 part course. If they have longer then one of the longer course would also be suitable.
  • Creative Writing- This is always a difficult area for parents which is why we wanted to include this very successful course early on. This course helps children (and parents) understand what they should be doing and shows them step by step how to improve. Children who complete the course properly end up with markedly better creative writing skills. This course is ideal for the period after September in year six but can also be done very effectively over a longer period.
  • Maths Stretch and Revision- This has been a huge hit. It achieves three things. It places huge emphasis on working accurately (the biggest reason children fail maths exams is because they make silly little mistakes on seemingly easy questions). It helps children develop their exam technique by lots of reducing time tests and finally it includes lots of technique work and the hardest forms of scholarship standard questions all with fully worked answers. The full test papers included at the end are amongst the hardest children will face.

Over the next six months a full suite of our courses will be added to the site so that children can get the best help we can offer.

The Complete 11 Plus Programme – Independent Schools

30-40+ Weeks

10-12 Years Old

This is our Complete 11 Plus Programme...

11 Plus Programme – Enhance – Independent Schools

15-30 Weeks

10-12 Years Old

This course prepares children thoroughly for school-written...

11 Plus Programme – Boost – Independent Schools

6-15 Weeks

10-12 Years Old

This course is ideal for children starting...

Complete Vocabulary Course

30-40+ Weeks

10-12 Years

This is our full length vocabulary course....

Vocabulary Enhance

15-30 Weeks

10-12 Years

This is our mid-length vocabulary course. It...

Vocabulary Boost

6-15 Weeks

10-12 Years

This is our shortest vocabulary course. It...

The Creative Writing Course

6-12+ Weeks

10-12 Years

This course is designed to help children...

The 11 Plus Comprehension Course

4-8 Weeks

10-12 Years

This course is designed to actively help...

Maths Stretch and Revision

6-12+ Weeks

10-12 Years

This is an intensive course and we...


Trusted by families across the UK

"My daughter's preparation for her 11 Plus exam couldn't have gone better. The advice we received about being committed ourselves was exactly right. We set a time to do the work and broadly managed to achieve it. The course was very intensive so we did need to work hard, but it was worth it in the end. Without this course I'm not sure I would have known where to start or what to do when"

- Mrs Hamilton


"We used a Private Tutor to prepare for the 11 Plus, and they recommended that we use the full 40 part vocabulary course as part of the process rather than vocabulary books. We really can't see how it's possible to boost a child's vocabulary without this sort of work, it had everything- real learning activities, tests, revision, pieces of texts from classic books and even vocabulary puzzles which stretched our son no end."

- Mr Gull

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Learning Street structured courses make home study easier and more successful. There's no need to wonder which books to buy or what to do next. Everything is planned for you.

  • Proven to deliver excellent results
  • Used by families, private tutors and schools
  • Fully planned and structured
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