Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains a test which focusses on some of the core topics in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains a test which focusses on some of the core topics in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet has a test which focusses on some of the core topics in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains questions that require maths reasoning to solve. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be typical for a maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains questions that require maths reasoning to solve. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be typical for a maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet covers adding and subtracting decimals and is suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains a test which focusses on some of the core topics in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision of the four rules. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves filling in the missing number in number sequences. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet includes a test that focusses on the core topics in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet includes revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

This worksheet gives examples and explanations of the Bodmas rules. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet has questions which focus on the core skills in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains a test which focusses on the core topics in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet includes questions that is based on some of the core skills in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains questions that require maths reasoning to solve. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solving calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solve calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains questions that cover some of the core skills in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solving calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solving calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solving calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision which may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solving calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

This worksheet includes a glossary of maths terms. Suitable for those in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves adding and subtracting fractions. Suitable for those in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet involves moving down a ladder and solving calculations mentally. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains revision for what may be on a typical maths paper. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet has questions that focus on some of the core skills in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet contains questions that focus on some of the core skills in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.

Subtraction exercise. This worksheet has questions that focus on the core skills in maths. Suitable for children in years 5 and 6.